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-Blackzangel™ Production/JWalker Design/B_Angel's Animation

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Invitation from Wooshii ~

Just a day after uploaded my VFX | Compositing + Breakdown ... I received a mssg from Wooshii ~
Although just like a SURAT RASMI that prepared in early , but I feel happy when received this invitation.. ^~^

What is Wooshii?

Wooshii is a platform that connects the creators of rich media, (think video, animation or 3D etc), with buyers looking to utilise this low cost, effective and increasingly relevant forms of marketing. Once a campaign has been created Wooshii also supplies a route through which to broadcast and track these messages.

We have three main ways in which the Wooshii platform can be used:
Buyers (companies, brands, organizations, agencies etc ) all benefit from a platform that allows them to tap into the emerging and large number of creative professionals amateurs and agencies. As a buyer you can use this community of creatives to source concepts and ideas or actually have them produced. Buyers are also able to utlise the publisher network in order to help their message go further and reach more people.
Creatives (creators of rich media) use Wooshii as a place to expose and promote their portfolio of work, build reputation or complete commissioned work. Both provide you with the opportunity to earn cash for your ideas or technical and creative ability.

Wow, there have commissions for the project if the buyer like your idea ~ ^^"
I like their web design and platform ~ Simple and clean. I found one of the animator of POCOYO also join here! It's really a nice community.

Here My Profile in Wooshii :
Thanks Wooshii that give me a certain courage and confirmed!
Although my work not qualify as the best yet ... But I will work it more harder !!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


今天就是Animation 的Evaluation Day II, 也是总结这个sem里的assignments 给评分的一天 ....所有animation students 都会叫出, 一个个会被critique......
DAN 092 总共会show两个 assignments :
2)Short film

Lecturers 都对我这两科都给于蛮好的评语,努力终于得到赞赏,和一直以来找寻的突破在这一天也证明了!!!很感激lecturers 的指导,朋友的帮忙,队友的合作,家人的支持!再次要感谢他们~  Melvin 还有Kenny ~ 当show VFX 作品的时候,回想当时做这个group assignment 的时候,有和Melvin, Kenny之间的磨擦....

-Melvin ~有某天我们吵架到很凶甚至说以后誓不会再和我组,虽然事后他誊清只是气话,但我想气话也掺杂点真话吧?
-Kenny ~ 则是我现在觉得“鸟”他有点过分了.... 是看的出他也尽了力,也不至于给我 "鸟"到狗血淋头....其实他也是个很好的战友~

长江后浪推前浪,一些juniors的实力也叫人看了就怕...... 所以真的是学如逆水行舟,不进则退.....

有过三次的ED II 了~ 第一次和第二次的作品都算很草率的做觉得有点浪费,换句话说:我们只剩最后两次的ED II 了.... 希望我们能珍惜现在, 再不浪费assignments做本身的showreel .....
也是真的是时候要面对我一直以来的死穴 ..... 画画~